วันเสาร์ที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr Chronograph Sport CH2599

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr
habe mir diese uhr zwar nicht hier geholt, und 20 euro mehr bezahlt, bin aber trotzdem nicht minder begeistert, sie liegt unglaublich gut und bequem am handgelenk und fühlt sich fast so an als wäre sie garnicht da, sie sieht super aus und kann in fast jeder lebenslage getragen werden, da sie einfach problemlos zu jedem outfit passt, allerdings vermeide ich es diese uhr beim arbeiten zu tragen, um schaden an ihr zu vermeiden.
ich bin ein mensch der it vergisst, dass er eine uhr trägt, deshalb stoße ich oft mit dem handgelenk mit uhr an türen wänden ecken an, bis jetzt hat sie das ohne kratzer oder sprünge ausgehalten.
da hat fossil eine super uhr auf den mark geschmissen und ich kann diese nur jedem wärmstens empfehlen.
die stoppuhr ist anfangs etwas kniffelig zu bedienen, aber das kann man sich nach kurtzem eingewöhnen leicht merken.

vor dieser uhr hatte ich einen ice-watch chronographen, aber dieser ist meiner meinung nach nicht sein geld wert, da dieser einfach nichts für sein geld bietet, den würde ich nicht weiterempfehlen, wer was wertiges zum annehmbaren preis sucht ist bei diesen fossil uhren wirklich gut aufgehoben, da bekommt man was für sein geld :)

bin begeistert :)

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr Sport Chronograph Leder braun CH2565

Fossil Herren-Armbanduhr
habe mir vor Kurzem die Fossil CH2565 in braun geholt. Sah auf den Bildern schon toll aus, sieht in ECHT NOCH BESSER AUS!!! absolut bequem zu tragen und der Look ist weder zu protzig noch zu öde. Einfach eine tolle Uhr! Bei sehr dünnen Armen kann sie unter Umständen ein wenig groß und klobig wirken, hatte sie mir von den Bildern und den anegegebenen Maßen her etwas kleiner vorgestellt. Aber das tut dem ganzen keine Abbruch.
Fazit: Tolle Uhr zu absolut gerechtem, ja fast schon Schnäppchenpreis! Zuschlagen!


Wecker Ufo Alarmwecker Ufo


Das Produkt ist mangelhaft in der Verarbeitung, der Weckruf möchte groß klingen, tut es aber nicht - eine Tranfunzel in der Blindheit! Der Propeller hebt gar nicht erst ab - oder fällt unmotiviert zu Boden - wenn man zu den Glücklichen gehört, bei denen wenigstens DAS passiert! Das Display ist simpel aufgebaut, der Wecker verfügt NICHT über eine 24h Anzeige. Außerdem sind Knopfzellen verbaut, zuzüglich dieser bedarf es noch vier zusätzlicher AAA Batterien!

Das Produkt ist mangelhaft, der Service ist grottenschlecht - meine dringende Empfehlung, FINGER WEG VOM ANBIETER WIE AUCH VOM PRODUKT!!!
Leider muß ich einen Stern vergeben, gäbe es minus fünfzig Sterne, würde ich minus hundert anwählen!

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Ice-Watch Unisex-Armbanduhr

Ice-Watch Unisex-Armbanduhr Big Ice-Chrono Collection Schwarz sili orange CH.BO.B.S.10:

         Ice-Watch Unisex

Die Trendmarke Ice-Watch sprengt alle Grenzen und bringt weltweit Farbe ins Spiel. Sie wurde 2007 von Jean-Pierre Lutgen und seinem Team in Belgien gegründet. Innerhalb von wenigen Jahren entwickelte sich die Brand zu einem Welterfolg und wird derzeit in 81 Länder geliefert. Allein im Jahre 2010 wurden 3 Millionen Ice-Watch Uhren verkauft. Kein Wunder: Denn hier trifft Qualität auf eine abwechslungsreiche Vielfalt an farbenfrohen Uhrenmodellen im einzigartigen und unübersehbaren Design. Mit Mineralglas und Edelstahlboden ausgestattet, bieten die Ice-Watch Uhren durch Ihre Leichtigkeit und Robustheit einen besonders hohen Tragekomfort. Die Uhren gibt es in den Ausführungen Small (38mm), Unisex/Medium(43mm), Big(48mm) und Big Big(52mm), so dass jedes Handgelenk die optimale Größe findet.

Ice-Watch Unisex-Armbanduhr

Ice-Watch Unisex-Armbanduhr Medium Big Sili Forever schwarz SI.BK.U.S.09:


...habe ich diese tolle Ice-Watch von dem gleichnamigen Hersteller. Ich hatte die Uhr zuvor bei einem Freund gesehen und hatte Ihn auf den Hersteller angesprochen. Also gleich bei Amazon gesucht und bestellt. Als erstes fällt die markante Verpackung der Uhr auf, sieht aus wie ein Bauklotz, der Firma Lego.

Darin schick eingepackt die Uhr mit Silikonarmband. Sehr flexibel, schmiegt sich schön an und ist sehr widerstandsfähig.

Vom Design her ist die Uhr ein echter hingucker, das Ziffernblatt ist mit einer Carbon-Textur hinterlegt. Gut ablesbar, Zahlen und Zeiger leuchten in der Dunkelheit.

Für ca. 76€ kein Schnäppchen, aber auf jeden Fall eine Probebestellung wert. Wenn es einem nicht gefällt, kann man das Deutsche, geltende Recht einer 14-tägigen Rückgabe aktivieren. Also einfach bestellen, bei nichtgefallen zurückschicken oder wenn sie einem gefällt (wovon ich ausgehe), einfach behalten und bezahlen.

Ich bereue den Kauf nicht, die 76€ sind meiner Meinung nach eine sehr lohnende Investition für einen so schönen Zeitgeber :)


Ice-Watch Unisex-Armbanduhr Medium Big Sili Forever weiss SI.WE.U.S.09


VORAB: Ich sammle Uhren, bin aber kein Uhrenexperte.

ZUR UHR: Habe die Uhr meiner Schwester als Geschenk gekauft. Die Uhr aus weißem Kunstoff (eben "Sili Collection") verspricht nicht zuviel. Sie ist praktisch komplett aus Kunstoff verarbeitet - was aber vorher klar war - von der Verarbeitung her nicht übel - dank recht vieler Weichmacher ist das Armaband auch schon flexibel und liegt nicht wie eine Plastiktüte am Handgelenk. Das Ziffernbaltt ist trotz komplett weißer Frabe gut lesbar. Das Uhrwerk ist soweit ok - kein großes Markenwerk, aber bisher recht zuverlässig.
Nachteil ist eindeutig, dass der schöne weiße Kunstoff nicht ewig weiß bleibt, sondern im Alltagsgebrauch durchaus sich verfärbt.

FAZIT: Es ist eine Modeuhr, ein schickes Gimmik - mehr auch nicht. Mehr darf man auch nicht erwarten - solide Plastikuhr mit vernünftiger Gangenauigkeit - dass die Uhr keine Ewigkeit hält und kein hochwertiges Produkt ist - das muss dem Käufer klar sein - schick ist sie trotzdem!

วันอังคารที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555


Timex Ironman Triathlon Sleek TapScreen 150 Lap

Wer eine Sportuhr sucht und keine HRM- Funktion vermisst, aber die Rundenzeiten etc. messen möchte, der ist mit dieser Uhr super bedient. Highlight ist der recht ordentlich funktionierender Touch ...

Herren Armbanduhr

Casio Collection Herren-Armbanduhr Digital Quarz F-91W-1YEF:


Zu dieser Uhr kann man nur sagen: Spitze!
Ich hatte diese Uhr damals zum meinem 8 Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen und hatte sie immer und überall mit. Die Uhr ist so oft runtergefallen, versehentlich in der Waschmaschine gewesen und so starkt beansprucht worden, dass es mich im Nachhinein gewundert hat wie lange sie gehalten hat.
Ob es das schwimmen im Mittelmeer war, ob es Minus-Temperaturen waren bei der sie immer mit draussen war, sie hat alles mitgemacht.
Kurz vor meinem 18 Geburtstag (also dem 10-jährigen Jubiläum der Uhr) ist sie mir, aus 12 Meter Höhe auf Asphalt gefallen, was dann letztendlich auch der Todesstoss für die Uhr war (sie lief zwar eine Zeit lang immer noch, aber das Display war aufgesprungen und man konnte nur noch die Sekundenanzeige sehen).
In der Zwischenzeit hatte diese Uhr 8 verschiedenen Länder bereist, stundenlang beim schwimmen in Salzwasser verbracht, ist mitgetaucht und hat mich mit der Alarmfunktionen 1000e von Malen an wichtige Dinge erinnert. Die ersten 7 Jahre übrigens komplett mit ein und derselben Batterie.
Das einzige was aufgrund der Beanspruchung kaputt ging (ich glaube nach 3 oder 4 Jahren) war das Armband, aber das kann man problemlos ersetzen.
Auch wenn ich diese Uhr jetzt nicht mehr habe, bei CASIO bin ich gelieben. Habe eigentlich nur des Styles wegen gewechselt, da sich diese Uhr nicht so sehr für Geschäftsgespräche eignet.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Omega for women watch price

Omega Women's Constellation Diamond Bezel Watch

The Omega watch story begins in 1848, when founder Louis Brandt began hand assembling key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen in his principality La Chaux-de-Fonds, in the northwest corner of Switzerland. However, the Omega name didn't appear until 1894, after Louis Brandt had passed away and his watchmaking traditions were taken over by his sons, Louis-Paul and Cesar Brandt. Omega watches have long been associated with glamorous screen and sports stars--the Omega Seamaster is famous for being the watch of choice for James Bond--with current ambassadors including Pierce Brosnan, Nicole Kidman, tennis player Anna Kournikova, and swimmers Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe.
But Omega is more than just a fashionable watch. In 1965, the Omega Speedmaster chronograph was "flight-qualified by NASA for all manned space missions" as the only wristwatch to have withstood all of the U.S. space agency's severe tests, including passing grades for extreme shocks, vibrations, and temperatures ranging from -18 to +93 degrees Celsius. The greatest moment in the Speedmaster's history was undoubtedly 20 July 1969 at 02:56 GMT, when it recorded man's first steps on the Moon's surface as part of the Apollo 11 mission. Omega watches rocketed off to space on many subsequent missions, including visits to Skylab and the historic Apollo-Soyuz link-up of Soviet and American astronauts in 1975.
In more recent years, Omega created the world's first self-winding wristwatch with central tourbillon in 1994 and made history in 1999 with the first mass-produced watch incorporating the co-axial escapement, developed in conjunction with renowned English master watchmaker George Daniels. In simple terms, the escapement is the heart of a mechanical watch, generating the impulses that make the mechanism move. Omega's Co-Axial Escapement drastically reduces the friction among the parts that transmit energy to the other components, producing greater stability and precision and reducing service requirements.
Today, Omega is known for its rigorous testing of new movements, cases, and bands. Each new Omega movement is tested on the wrist in existing Omega models, while various laboratory tests are conducted to determine temperature-resistance, shock-resistance and vibration-resistance.

Hella black magic

HELLA 005750991 500 Series 12-Volt/55-Watt Black Magic Halogen Driving Lamp Kit

I got these because they were cheap, and would look great on my black jeep. Hella is a reputable brand, so I figured it was a safe bet. After they are all installed I am overall happy, but I wouldn't recommend them to others.

These were a hassle to install, the switch that came with the pack was bad, and the grounds for the headlamps have way to short of wires. The directions are about as informative and helpful as listening to an automated messaging service!

These are not brighter that the headlights that come on the jeep, although they do add more light. If I were to do it all again I would just go with the either more expensive PIAA's or Lightforce, or for the wiring wary: go with the Warn Wireless ones. I spent the difference in price in added wires, testers, and a switch.

Stuhrling original men's watch reviews

Stuhrling Original Men's 285L.3315618 Voyager Classic World Time Yellow Dial Watch

Stuhrling original men's watch reviews
Welcome to the Adventure Series, a special segment in Stuhrling Original’s collection specifically designed for those who love to travel and see the world. It is in this series that a watch stops being just a statement, an accessory for your wardrobe, or a symbol of status. They become functional and valuable tools you can use every day! The Now Voyager Classic, new to the Adventure Series, makes sure that no matter where you are in the world, you can be prepared with style. Like all watches in this series, the Now Voyager Classic keeps track of multiple time zones, but whereas some keep track of two, this watch is what’s called a world timer. This means that once you’ve set this watch for your own time zone, you’ll never have to set it again, because it will track the time for every major time zone in the world! You also have to keep in mind that this watch is powered by a mechanical automatic movement – no batteries, no computer chips, only the sum of its parts keep it running! The Now Voyager Classic’s dial is decorated by a hydraulically embossed world atlas design surrounded by a 24-hour chapter ring. Bordering the chapter ring is a rotating flange that contains all the major time zone cities of the world. Simply rotate the flange so the arrow at 12 o’clock points to your time zone city, set the time, wind up the watch, and you’re done! Not only is the Now Voyager Classic superbly functional, it’s tough, too. The case is blanked for solid bars of 316L surgical grade stainless steel, and the complications are protected by our durable Krysterna crystals. To uphold its namesake, this classic counterpart of the original Now Voyager comes on a very comfortable genuine leather strap with contrast stitching! A beautiful and elegant alternative to the bold stainless steel bracelet.

Watches crystals

Laurens Women's GW70J902Y Swarovski Crystal Bezel Red Dial Leather Watch:

Crystal Watch
Nice watch; appears to be well-made; however, color not the shade of red I had expected. Love fire-engine red, which appears to be the color of the watch on the Amazon website. It is more of a salmon-red color, which is the reason I gave it 4 out of 5 stars. I am keeping it, though, as it is a beautiful timepiece.

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

TAG Heuer Men's CAV511E.BA0902 Grand Carrera Automatic Chronograph Brown Dial Watch:

TAG Heuer Men's CAV

From the avant-garde Grand Carrera collection, the Men's Automatic Chronograph Brown Dial Watch #CAV511E.BA0902 showcases Tag Heuer's unrivalled Motor Racing Heritage. This chronograph's face features a brown dial with luminous accents, stick indexes, a pair of distinctive subdials, a date window at six o'clock, and a red-tip second hand. The watch's unique face is set off by a stainless steel bezel that offers clear tachymeter markings to help you make quick calculations, and it is protected by a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal with an anti-reflective finish. This chronograph is powered by Swiss automatic movement, and it is secured in place by a stainless steel bracelet with a push-button deployment clasp. This Automatic Chronograph also offers a stainless steel case with a prominent crown and pushers, and it features an exhibition caseback that shows off Tag Heuer's high-quality mechanisms. This watch is water resistant to 330 feet (100 meters).

Baume Mercier Men's

Baume Mercier Men's 8854 Riviera XXL Chronograph Black Dial Watch:


Baume & Mercier has a rich history in storied tradition of Swiss watchmaking, now over 170 years. In 1830, brothers Louis Victor and Pierre-Joseph-Celestin Baume established the Baume Freres Watch firm in the Swiss Jura region--the heart of the Swiss watch industry. As business flourished in Europe a grandson of the founder, William Baume met Paul Mercier, a great lover of the arts and in 1918 they created a business partnership. The contrast of the rigorous, precise Baume with the artistic, free thinking Mercier fused form and function to create the traditions of perfection, quality, and luxury that still exist today.
In 1964, Baume & Mercier registered the Greek letter PHI as its brand logo, and it continues to be present on all Baume & Mercier designs. A symbol of the golden ratio and Leonard de Vinci's theory of proportion, it represents aesthetic elegance based on "divine proportions" that remain the brand's cardinal values.
the designers at Baume & Mercier utilize the goldmine of the company's over 175 years of watch-making history--from the oval of a crown to the graphics of a dial--to create the aesthetic contours of new timepieces. Inspired by a rectangular pink gold watch introduced by Baume & Mercier in 1960, the signature Hampton line of watches was created as a blend of watchmaking tradition and contemporary design. And the company still lives by the original slogan of the Baume brothers when they started Baume Freres: "Accept only perfection, only manufacture watches of the highest quality."

Omega Men's

Omega Men's 3570.50.00 Speedmaster Professional Mechanical Chronograph Watch

     Omega Men's

After much research, I purchased an Omega Speedmaster in 1968 as an 18th birthday present to myself. There were not many chronographs available at that time (Rolex, Breitling, Omega and probably others I no longer remember). To my surprise, that summer (or next), Omega began agressive advertising that it's watch was the official timepiece of the Apollo Astronauts. It reaffirmed my choice. Thirty years later, it is still the best watch I own (including my Submariner). My only complaint is that I have gone through three or four bracelets/straps. Ironically, a new metal bracelet costs more than the original cost of my Speedmaster ($185). Interestingly, no Rolex owner has ever commented on my Submariner, but fellow Speedmaster owners always start up a conversation with each other. I cannot comment on the new Speedmasters, but mine has been dropped, thrown, drowned, frozen, heated, shaken and abused for 30 years and still runs great. I recommend factory cleaning, vacuum sealing and a new crystal every 10 years or so, just to be safe.

TAG Heuer Men's CAH1110.BT0714

TAG Heuer Men's CAH1110.BT0714 Formula 1 Chronograph Quartz Watch

TAG Heuer Men's

This watch is great for automotive racing drivers and fans. The split time functions are just awesome. I am not sure if I made the right choice on the rubber band though. Tag Heuer states in the owner's manual that prolonged users should choose a metallic band over the rubber. I just preferred the sportier look of the rubber. People should also know that the large red sweeping second hand is part of the stop watch functions not constantly sweeping as part of the time keeping function. The smaller red second hand is the constant sweeping time keeper. So the large red second hand stays idle at 12 o'clock when stop watch functions are not in use. That just proves however that sport/racing comes first with this watch. Lastly the box is almost as impressive as the watch. Remove the watch "pillow" and it's a great place to store your watch when not wearing it.

TAG Heuer Men's CV2A12.FC6236

TAG Heuer Men's CV2A12.FC6236 Carrera Day Date Automatic Chronograph Watch:

TAG Heuer Men's

Great watch. Looks fantastic both on and off. I have had a few comments on how nice the watch is but no one seemed to know that it was a Tag Carrera. This version with the day/date (rather than just the date version of this watch) is bigger and is more classy so was worth the extra couple of hundred dollars for this version. I have small wrists but it was easy to set the size of the strap myself. Ordered from Amazon.com as was the second cheapest place to get it and at least I knew I could trust Amazon. However, it didnt come with the standard 2 year's manufacturers gaurantee which I didnt realise when buying, and only found out after when I saw the gaurantee card was missing from the box, but I guess I got it cheap enough and Amazon offer their own gaurantee. I saw this in black too but this brown is much nicer and is classy. Its a dark brown and at night or low light you cant tell its not black though. Only other thing is the Tag logo is not large enough to see properly unless you really look closely and is silver on silver so people keep asking what make it is and when you spend 2500+ dollars on a watch you need people to know - after all, in business the first thing a man looks at his business associate is his watch to see how succesful he is :) All in all happy with my purchase.

Cartier Men's

Cartier Men's W7100037 De Cartier Leather Strap Watch:

Cartier Men's W7100037

The name Cartier is synonymous with luxury, quality, and style. Founded in Paris in 1847 by Louis-Francois Cartier, the company became renowned worldwide for its design and production of beautiful jewelry and opulent objets d'art. A royal commission in 1904 made Cartier a supplier to Europe's Crowned Heads of State and led England's King Edward VII to describe Louis Cartier, grandson of the founder, as the jeweler of Kings, the King among jewellers.
By the early 20th century, Cartier had expanded its collection to include watches. At a time when pocket watches were still considered de rigueur for the distinguished gentleman, Cartier helped popularize the wristwatch, making it a bold fashion statement for men and women as well as a status symbol among the well-to-do. Louis Cartier is credited with creating the first men's wristwatch, the Santos, in 1904. He developed and named the watch for his client and friend, the Brazilian aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont, who needed a device that would allow him to read the time without taking his hands off the controls of his airplane.

Other classic designs followed, including Cartier's signature timepiece--the Tank--which debuted in 1917 during the First World War and was inspired by the tough new war machine the Americans introduced to the fighting in Europe. Cartier's first water-resistant watch was named after the Pasha of Marrakesh, who requested that Cartier create watch that he could wear while in his swimming pool and not lose track of time.
And while it is known more for its luxurious design, Cartier is also credited with creating the highly functional deployment folding clasp in 1910, which is now used by watchmakers around the globe.
Modern Cartier watchmakers still base their watch designs on the early fundamentals developed by Louis Cartier. Treasured by collectors, Cartier watches are distinguished by their impressive variety of shapes (round, square, oval, Tank, Tortue and Tonneau), by their exceptional materials and workmanship, and by their recognizable Cartier aesthetic, an elegant blend of classic and modern design.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Leather strap watch

Timex Women's T21912 Classic Cavatina Black Leather Strap Watch

This watch is a beautiful ladies' watch for those wanting a thin band (1/4 inch) and a smaller face. The numbers are large for the size of the face and it is easily read-able. The band is a very dark leather color - it could sometimes pass for a deep brown OR black so it matches with all clothing. I have very small wrists and usually have to make extra holes in my watch bands...not this one though - there are 8 holes and I am right in the middle - with 3 holes left to go to make it bigger. I think this band would fit up to a 7 inch wrist. I am very pleased with this product.

Digital watches timex

Timex Women's T5G891 1440 Sports Digital Watch

When I bought this watch from Amazon almost a year ago there were several very positive reviews. Mine keeps great time and was perfect for a European trip that included a lot of train travel. I set it for the 24-hour time. The main complaint was the band getting dirty. It comes off the watch and is easily washed. Mine was pretty dirty and I super sprayed it with Spray and Wash and let it sit a long time. Then I put it in a plastic storage container with a little dish soap and swished it around strongly. I had to rub a couple especially dirty spots before rinsing it under the faucet and setting it out to dry. My watch looks brand new!

Digital watches Review

Timex Women's T5J151 1440 Sports Digital Watch:

This watch is priced cheaply for a reason. I bought two Timex watches to replace my old running watch - this one and a more expensive Timex Ironman, which cost $34. I wanted to see if there was really a difference and there is.

The main issue is the buttons. They are small metal knobs on the side and difficult to push. By the time you have finished setting the watch, your fingers are sore. Fine if you only set the watch once, but if you are buying this for any of the other features, you will be pushing these buttons a lot: every time you use the chrono, timer, or alarm functions. Also, every time you switch between functions.

Also, there is one less button on this watch, the lap button. You are not able to time laps on this watch! So you have set, mode, indiglo and stop/start. The Ironman series has set/RECALL, mode, indiglo, stop/reset and start/split. The start/split button is on the top of the watch, making it easy to use while on a run.

These issues do not make it a bad watch, just not a substitute for a real digital running/timing watch. I will keep it in the drawer as a backup, but I wouldn't order another one.

Dial watches

Chopard Women's 278477-3001 Happy Sport Round II Diamond White Dial Watch:

Product Description
Stainless steel case with a stainless steel bracelet. Fixed bezel. White with 7 floating diamonds dial with silver tone hands and silver tone Roman numerals hour markers. Date displays between 4 and 5 o'clock position. Quartz movement. Scratch resistant sapphire crystal. Blue sapphire cabochon crown. Solid case back. Case diameter: 36mm. Deployment clasp. Water resistant at 30 meters / 100 feet. AdditionalInfo: date displays between 4 and 5 o'clock positions. Chopard Happy Sport Ladies Watch 27/8477-3001.

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2555

TAG Heuer

TAG Heuer Grand Carrera Mens Watch CAV518B.FC6237:
TAG Heuer
I have spent a long time looking for a new TAG.I looked in all the shops and wore out a pair of shoes. I was looking for a time piece that was of good qulaity, a good side and had features that made it a bit different. There are so many watches out there . I have now got the watch and its better than i thought it would be . The size is great not too big not too small . The dial is beautiful and the red features on the dial and strap really set it off perfectly .. I keep watching the time not sure thats a good thing but hey its a great to look at .

Jewellery Boxes

Steinhausen Luxury Accessory Case Large Cherry-Wood:
Steinhausen Luxury Accessory Case 
At first I stressed over the proposition of buying a veneer box for nearly a hundred thousand dollars. Understanding that this box costs as much as a high-end sports car, it is logical that one would feel a bit of anxiety over such a large purchase. Then, it arrived at my door. All of the tension melted away as I pried back the lid and saw the first glimmer of what was inside. The golden glow washed over my face as I peered inside, and it was at that very moment that I realized the true craftsmanship that goes into the creation of such a magnificent piece. Unfortunately, I turned to my wife and found a look of horror affixed upon her brow as nothing I had ever before seen. My hair had been bleached pure white from the aura of the box, and my pupils had narrowed to the size of a needlepoint. I have been in rehabilitation for the last six months, but have finally arranged a settlement whereas I was able to secure a 10% off coupon for future purchases. If you buy this box, invite your enemies over and position it in the center of the room. They will seethe in hatred for your accomplishment and you will vanquish them. I feel bad that I had to sell my house and all of our material possessions to purchase this watch box, but I must say it was worth every penny. One peek inside, and you'll know why.

Holy moly! what an awesome product and it became available at just the right time for me. My beloved father who spent his working life (50 years), working 10 hours a day on a factory production line finally past away, on the day he retired! I know, it is sad and he will be missed, but believe it or not, he had managed to save some money, which amounted to $99,999 after I paid for the funeral. He didn't make very much so I was surprised he had saved such a princely sum. I found out that he had never had a mobile phone, never owned his own car, never took meals at restaurants, always wore second hand clothes, saved on heating, never traveled, did odd jobs like mowing lawns on his days off, never took a vacation and by various other means managed to scrape and save.

You can't believe how happy I was when I saw the "Steinhausen Luxury Accessory Case Large Cherry-Wood" was available for exactly the amount he left me! I am not rich, have a huge mortgage and can hardly afford to educate my kids but I feel ecstatic that my windfall enables me to buy the sensational Steinhausen (don't tell my creditors). The transaction went very smoothly (they were delighted to take my money) and it was a real pleasure when I received the case. All in all an outstanding transaction.

My only regrets are that the window is not made of glass but "poly-resin", which as far as I can tell is some kind of plastic... I also wish I had had the bucks to buy a box made of solid cherry wood, not just veneer... Oh well, if you want perfection I guess you will have to pay more (I wish my father had mown more lawns on Sundays, then maybe I could have had real glass). Oh, and it didn't come with a jewelry collection either... I don't have one so I am not sure what to do. Any ideas?

I just bought this and thought it came with a watch! But no ... just the case. At $99,999.00 I expected a Rolex or two ...
Thanks to AMAZON's generous return policy this is was NOT a problem :-)ONE-Star for the case ... watch missing
FOUR-Stars for Amazon ... best shopping experience ever !

Panerai Pam

Officine Panerai: Contemporary Luminor Submersible 1950 3 Days Automatic Titanio, PAM00305 PAM 305 *
Officine Panerai 
Product Description
The Panerai Luminor 1950 Submersible 3 Days Automatic watch features a mechanical automatic movement with a three-day power reserve; black dial with date display; small seconds subdial; sapphire-crystal, transparent case back; and 47mm, brushed titanium case on a black rubber strap with a large-sized, titanium buckle. The Panerai Luminor 1950 Submersible 3 Days Automatic comes with a second interchangeable strap, a tool to change the strap and a steel screwdriver.

Blue Dial

Breitling Men's A2432212/C651 Navitimer World Blue Chronograph Dial Watch:
Breitling Men's

I purchased a new Breitling Pluton Navitimer several years ago. Recently, the spring pin in the bracelet broke and the end piece fell off and was lost. I took the watch to the Breitling Boutique in NYC. I was told that I was SOL -- Breitling no longer "supports" the Pluton, and no parts are available for repair. My watch is now worthless and has no collector value. DONBreitling Men's A2432212/C651-102X Navitimer World Blue Dial WatchT BUY A BREILING!! 

Omega Speedmaster

Omega Men's 3582.51.00 Speedmaster Broad Arrow Black Dial Watch:
Omega Men's 
Product Description
Stainless steel case with a polished and brushed stainless steel bracelet. Tachymeter bezel. Black dial with luminous hands and index hour markers. Luminescent hands and markers. Date display appears at the 6 o'clock position. Chronograph: 12 hours, 30 minutes, 60 seconds sub-dials. Self-winding automatic movement. Scratch resistant sapphire crystal. Transparent case back. Case diameter: 43 mm. Case thickness: 16.25mm. Fold over clasp with double push button safety. Water resistant at 100 meters (330 feet). Functions: hours, minutes, seconds, calendar, chronograph, tachymeter. Omega Speedmaster Rattrapante Chronograph Men's Watch 3582.51.00.

Mens Silver

Catorex Men's 171.2.1642.110 Argent Massif 925 Sterling Silver Front Window Dial Pocket Watch:
Catorex Men's

Catorex is a brand with a long, traditional past. It is located in Les Breuleux, the heart of the Swiss Jura Mountains. The company is currently run by Guy A. Cattin who perpetuates and cultivates this proud mechanical watch-making tradition, while constantly striving to create new types of watches which adapt to the personalities, requirements and tastes of a very broad range of amateur and expert customers. This is why Catorex watches enjoy an international reputation for articles manufactured with the know-how of professional watch-makers.

Its story began in the 19th century with George Ignace Cattin, born in 1785, a watch-maker and farmer by trade. His only son, Constant Cattin, born in 1818, also a watch-maker and farmer, founded the CATTIN company in 1858. He had nine children of which the youngest, Numa Cattin, born in 1861, continued the manufacture of quality watches. The fourth generation was represented by his two sons, Armand Cattin, born in 1885, and Maurice Cattin, born in 1887. They were no longer farmers, but only watch-makers. The 5th generation, which registered the Catorex brand a hundred years after the foundation of the Company, was managed by Guy Cattin, born in 1932 and his wife Wilhelmine.

Tradition adapted to the style of the day. With Catorex pocket watches, time acquires a very different meaning in the modern world. This pocket watch, the great speciality of the family business since its foundation in 1858, currently comes in six collections and 45 models, from the most traditional to the most modern.

So, as a novelty in 2010, the Catorex pocket watch secures a foothold in the future with the "New London" range, which offers some absolutely new models. Their square case with the modernistic touch contains two entirely reconditioned and hand-winding Unitas mechanical movements from the 1960s. The "New London" offers two different time zones to be read separately, one on each face of the chronometer.

To draw a more traditional clientele, Catorex pocket watches also exist in 18 carat Gold or Sterling Silver 925. The traditional, "Les Breuleux" range comes in various models, as does the "La Pautèle" range with the palladium-plated brass models. The "Armand Cattin" range is classified as up-market with its entirely engine-turned or finely decorated and polished movements and cases.

Product Description
Since founded in 1858, Catorex has captured tradition and adapted to the style of the day. With Catorex pocket watches, time acquires a very different meaning in the modern world. Unceasingly creating new types of watches this Men’s Argent Massif 925 Pocket Watch has personality, taste and meets the needs of both an amateur and expert clientele. The 925 sterling silver case etched with roman numerals and open window creates cultivated expression as it frames the white dial hosting black roman numerals, second sub-dial and minute track. Featuring an automatic self-winding movement this detailed pocket watch acquires international fame, for all Catorex products are manufactured with the "savoir-faire" of professional watchmakers.

Automatic Watches

Saint Honore Men's 890520 1AAIA Worldcode Stainless Steel Chronograph Date Watch:
Only 1 left in stock--order soon.
Saint Honore Men's  
Chronograph function; sub-second feature
Roman numerals engraved on bezel
White textured dial with big date window
Minute track on inner bezel; luminous hands
Brushed and polished stainless steel case and bracelet

Hamilton Watches

Hamilton Men's H77616133 Khaki X-Wind Automatic Watch:
Product Description
The Hamilton Story
The Hamilton story is a 120-year road that meanders from Lancaster in the United States to Biel, Switzerland, the world capital of watchmaking. Today, Hamilton is known worldwide thanks to its pioneering role in the worlds of aviation, cinema, as well as electric and digital technology. Hamilton watches have singular shapes that exhibit a perfect pairing of personality and design, which combine American spirit with Swiss ingenuity.
Hamilton was founded in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Its first collection of pocket watches, the Broadway Limited, was known as "The Watch of Railroad Accuracy."
In 1914, Hamilton was further thrust onto the national scene when it was chosen to be the official watch supplier of the U.S. Armed Forces. In the late teens and early '20s, pioneer pilots of the era trusted the Hamilton brand for its precision and accuracy and it became the official watch of many airlines in the 1930s.
Hamilton watches could be seen on the silver screen throughout the '60s and '70s, most notably a Hamilton Ventura was worn by Elvis Presley in the film, Blue Hawaii.
Today, Hamilton watches are synonymous with iconic style, as they continue to grace our lives through some of our favorite movies. Hamilton watches can be seen in such films as Men In Black, Lethal Weapon 4, Fight Club, and Independence Day.

Tissot Men's

Tissot Men's T0664271105700 Seastar 1000 Black Chronograph Dial Watch

Special Offers and Product Promotions
Warranty Offer: All Tissot watches sold by Amazon.com are covered by an industry leading limited two-year warranty at no additional cost (see details). Amazon.com in some cases buys watches from authorized dealers, distributors, and other established lines of distribution within the watch industry. In these cases, the manufacturer’s warranty may not apply because we have not purchased the watches directly from the manufacturer. When the manufacturer's warranty may not be available, Amazon.com offers this warranty for your watch. This applies only to products sold by Amazon.com. Does not apply to products sold on our site by third-party merchants or through third-party areas such as Amazon.com Marketplace. Shop Tissot watches Direct from Amazon.com


Hublot Big Bang Aero Bang Stainless Steel and Ceramic Watch:

-Hublot Big Bank Design
-Inner Mechanics Visible
-Sport Model
-Water Resistant
-Chronograph function
Hublot Big Bang Aero Bang Watches. 44mm stainless steel case, black ceramic bezel, black skeleton dial, self winding HUB 4214 movement with skeleton chronograph function, black rubber-gummy alligator strap with deployant buckle. Water resistant to 100 meters.